top 20 signs you are a die hard baseball fan

baseball America’s pastime, the greatest game ever played. there are four things that come to mind when you think of america. apple pie, hot dogs, Chevrolet and baseball. there is nothing on earth i like more than baseball. it is without a doubt the best sport to watch. and you may wonder if you are a die hard baseball fan as well. well here are the top 20 symptoms of baseball fever ( aka being a die hard baseball fan)

  1. you absolutely hate it when people tell you how boring baseball is 
  2. and there is nothing that angers you more than when someone asks you how you can watch and enjoy baseball    
  3. people will often ask you how you can keep up with baseball with the season being over 6 months and there being a 162 games a season. you will just respond when you love something unconditionally you make the time for it 
  4. screw you’re birthday, you’re anniversary, you’re kids birthday or Christmas or Hanukkah or new years. opening day is the you’re favorite day of the year 

5. the other 6 months of the year ( or as you call it the off season) is the worst part of you’re year. 

6. but when opening day comes around the season starts you feel like you died and went to heaven because the wait is finally over and baseball is back!!! 

7. you’re idea of the perfect meal is a hot dog and a beer 

8. you lifelong goal and dream in life is to catch a foul ball at a game Idiot Leaps over elderly.gif

9. or end up on the jumbo tron at a game 

10. when you’re team makes it to the playoffs you get more nervous then when you took the SATS

11. when you’re team gets eliminated from the playoffs or doesn’t make it to the playoffs that is the time you will cry the most that year. baseball sad cry dismay

12. you make sure whenever you travel to that the TV will have two things. you’re teams game on and MLB network. i mean because what good is a TV if you cant watch hot stove, quick pitch, MLB tonight and of course you want to say got heem with Chris Rose and Kevin Millar 

13. you get into at least one heated designated hitter rule debate with another fan at least once a month and you’re arguments sometimes get more intense than the presidential debates

14. there are certain names in baseball that you hear that make you filled with anger such as Steve Bartman,Bill Buckner,Jim Joyce,Bucky Dent and Marge Schott

15. even if the game goes in extra innings and even if it goes past 12 innings or hell even 16 innings. you will sit there and patiently watch and root for you’re team even while other people are leaving the stadium or have fallen asleep on there couch watching it. because in the words of Yogi Berra “it ain’t over til its over”

16. okay i know what people will always say boys dont cry and theres no crying in baseball. well for men that are baseball fans there are two acceptable reasons to cry. and those reasons are watching field of dreams and the pride of the Yankees. because if you’re a man and a baseball fan as well if you don’t shed at least one tear during either of those movies you don’t have a soul.

17. during baseball season your friends or your significant others or your family will ask you to go out with them to go somewhere or do something. your response will always be the same will there be a TV where were going and will they have the game on there and all of your friends and family are going to have to learn to adjust there schedules and probably try and only talk to you during the off season but they will learn to live with you’re baseball addiction and try and support it at times

18. you love that with baseball you have a game to look forward to everyday unlike football fans who can only see there favorite team once a week. how do they survive

19. you share an almost instantaneous bond with someone the instant you hear they are baseball fans as well and that is often the start of a beautiful friendship.

20. and last but not least IT’S BASEBALL. i mean how can you not love it its America’s past has brought joy to so many people and it brings everyone together over a common bond. i mean there is just a certain feeling you get with baseball that you get from no other sport. i mean its America’s pastime when people think of america they think of two thing apple pie and baseball. not apple pie and football.

when you plan on doing something for someone you say i am going to step up to the plate. not throw a forward pass. and when people think of the greatest at anything one of there first thoughts will be Babe Ruth. and i think Babe Ruth sums up baseball pretty well in one quote “Baseball is and always will be the greatest game on earth”



top 20 signs you are a die hard baseball fan

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